"A law will rein corruption & make no mistake the corrupt will find their way around the law. When there are ways around Murder, Rape, Child Prostitution, Child Labor, Honor Killing, Dowry etc. which are a outcome of evil intentions, against Corruption which is just the outcome of a human desire/ greed to have more."
So, are we fighting the real cause of corruption? Shri Anna Hazare has inspired the citizens of this country & given them a stage to stand upon, but is it the stage constructed upon strong pillars... the answer is "NO". A false hope is dangerous than a desire. It is easy to cut the tree but the roots are very hard to uproot & that is what is the real problem when anyone is fighting for a cause. The roots are left deeply embedded due to which the tree manages to grow back, maybe in time but it does & never dies.
To fight corruption the fist thing one needs to fight or give away is, his / her desires. Desire to eat a lavish meal, to have a home, to have a scooter / car / expensive car, to have gold / silver / diamonds, to have a bank balance, to have their children study in international / convent schools etc. are we prepared to do that or has Mr. Hazare put this thought in front of his supporters/ followers? Then i would like to see how many supporters remain with his.
The common man to achieve his / her desire does not pardon his/ her Gods while praying & offers bribe, then how does one say only the politician are corrupt??? To get ahead in a "Q" of a temple of ones belief one pays a bribe to the respective authorities which is given a good name "Fees", then how does one say only the politicians are corrupt??? To feed an infant/ child a mother offers bribe & gives birth to corruption, then how does one say only the politicians are corrupt??? There are many such example & don't tell me all such example are initiated because of corrupt politicians. Any institution, any entrepreneur, any corporate, any tea stall, any panwala etc. are running today on the basis of corruption, will everyone shut shop & start over without a hint of corruption???
Second, the most corrupt system running freely today is the "Banking System" i ask who is up to abolish that? I would go fasting unto death will anyone support me??? Now, one will ask how is Banking System the most corrupt??? The simple answer to begin with is the term "BANK". Bank for ones own benefit while others die for a piece of bread & according to the rules of humanity that is the most corrupt system.
All that i am trying to put forth here is that there is no bad cause, but unless one is prepared to fight each & every aspect of it, it is meaning less. It will give one a high for sometime but when that high will evaporate the results will be further devastating.
I wish, i desire i had a voice that reached as many as possible but until then i would try reach & exchange thoughts with you.
I care... let's say together "WE CARE"