Monday, July 25

Harness for your dog...

“A smart consumer can change the world and start an end to competition... which will change what all, start thinking…” - Manoor Sachdev

There are many and different products available in the market to please every consumer and needs shoved on him. There are many things we pick up we don’t need and there are many things lying which we ignore, knowing they are the most essentials in our lives. A human can talk and show their discontent in the product the other human has picked up, but a dog can’t talk and tell you what he wants or what is discomforting for him.

Harness is one such product; amazingly I see a lot of dog owners very excited to buy it or have already bought one and using it on their pet. I ask each dog owner the reason they use a harness on their dogs and pat come the answer, someone suggested it. Hmmm… what can I suggest??? …. Thinking… meanwhile let’s look at the different kind and real work of harness…

Harness should be used on working dogs only. By working dogs I mean, Assistance Dogs - dogs who are used to gently help mentally or physically disabled humans in their daily routine. Pulling Dogs - dogs that are used to pull cargo, people, work in high terrain areas where vehicles are not available. Police Dogs - dogs that are specially trained to perform variety of tasks for the handler. Harnesses are also used for fighting dogs which helps intensify a dogs rage when in the ring. A working dogs job is to lead its human in direction to achieve his/her goal, thus the harness came into existence. A harness does not help controlling the dogs; instinctively and psychologically a harness only tells them to pull.

In most cases I have come across humans with small dogs are suggested harnesses… how clever! Exploit the right market (I am still thinking what to suggest… Hmmm?). Has anyone ever thought why harnesses are mostly suggested to small dogs, the only reason behind it is the lack of leadership and control of the consumer on his/her dogs. Indirectly the one suggesting you is insulting you for being that kind of a dog owner… according to me, while he or the consumer doesn’t even know that. Because he only knows what the one who sold him said about the harness to sell further “that this thing controls small dogs better, your sales and customers will boom if you suggest this to the small dog owners”. Ha… what a shame!

A small dog owner is suggested the harness because as soon as the small dogs make you uncomfortable in any situation like when on a walk or in the house, you can pick him up and take them away from the situation as a correction due to their light weight. But do you know what you are doing to your dogs psychologically depending upon their individual instincts. You are taking away control from the dog without facing or correcting the situation, doesn’t matter if it is your dogs bad or someone or something else’s bad; You are taking his pride away, by lifting him of the floor; You are pushing his confidence to the lowest; You are pushing him towards depression in his life and much more. And then, human complaints later that my dog is dull and doesn’t react to anything positive or negative, doesn’t allow us to lift him to cuddle him or pet him… which then leads to many inhuman decisions & gives birth to another consumer by digging a deep hole in the pockets.

The dogs don’t care about how much money or time you are spending on them??? What they care about is… if you are a good leader; if you can show them a right path to follow in the human world, if you understand the animal in him and if you are in control of any given situation. A dog is always ready to please you by understanding the human in you & only expects that in return, but consumerism does not allow us to think or take out time to understand & exercise the human in us. It is sad… weather it is true or not I hope to hear from you…

Lastly, I still can’t think of that one thing I would like to suggest for you to get, because… I don’t feel intelligent enough to suggest another human who has equal mind, body and energy like me about what and what not he/she should buy. I can only help humans understand their four legged friends hence I am at your service under “Canine Solutions” banner.

So, please feel free to write to us with your queries at and join us on FaceBook by searching for Canine Solutions in your search window for regular updates.

At Canine Solutions we do not differentiate between the pure breed or the strays dogs. We are open to provide our services to all Pet Owners, Animal NGO’s, Shelters, Volunteers, Co-operative Housing Societies to rehabilitate the toughest dog behaviors and give them a chance to find a loving home. Our aim is to provide a loving home to the dogs and a peaceful, balanced relationship with the dog for the pet owners because we believe a human family is never complete without a pet dog.

Manoor Sachdev - Canine Solutions

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